Future Democracy

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Future Democracy - book download, always completely free!β€Œ The Comprehensive Guide to Real Democracyβ€Œ and Self-Determination.β€Œ Also available in a Eβ€Œ Printed Version.
β€Œ β€Œ (that is 175 pages with basics, the rest is an encyclopedia)
Always completely free!β€Œ πŸ“–β€Œ Load the PDF: Dβ€Œ β†’pdf.fdmc.infoβ€Œ
🧭For the only 26-page (contained in the book) Constitution of the Democratic World go to Cβ€Œ Constitution. ℹ️Compact answers to frequently asked questions can be found under Fβ€Œ FAQ. πŸ”–You can share weblink URLs to any of the PDF chapters. See Lβ€Œ All Chapter Links. πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺFor the German version / πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ή πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ DEUTSCHE VERSION, go to Zβ€Œ β†’Demokratie-der-Zukunft.info. 🌱For questions, discussions, and ideas, and for founding, finding, or growing Democratic Groups and Communes, you can use the special online community of the Best World Forum: Wβ€Œ β†’FD.best-world.solutionsβ€Œ   πŸ“ΊFor the official trailer for the book and further videos on Future Democracy go to Vβ€Œ Videos. πŸŽ₯For press information and media coverage examples go to Pβ€Œ Press. 🀚🏽If you would prefer a book that you can touch, and that you can read on paper, use the information on the Eβ€Œ Printed Version. ✍🏽To contact the webmaster, use the email contact form at Bβ€Œ β†’contact.best-world.solutions. πŸ–₯️For background information and the development history of the book go to Mβ€Œ Making-of. QR-Code Flyerβ€Œ (for saving and emailing/posting): QR-code flyer for Future Democracyβ€Œ (for printing and distributing, 2 per sheet): 2 QR-code flyers for Future Democracyβ€Œ (for printing and distributing, 4 per sheet): 4 QR-code flyers for Future Democracyβ€Œ (for printing and distributing, 8 per sheet): 8 QR-code flyers for Future Democracyβ€Œ (for printing and distributing, 9 per sheet): 9 QR-code flyers for Future Democracy
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